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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ciremai Mountain National Park

Ciremai Mountain National Park
Ciremai Mountain National Park (TNGC) is a conservation area located in the province of West Java, Indonesia. This national park is intended to protect the biological wealth and the environment in the region of Mount Ciremai. His appointment made by the Minister of Forestry Decree No. SK. 424/Menhut-II/2004 dated October 19, 2004, which changed the status of protected forest on Mount Ciremai become national park

Form of the TN Mount Ciremai tend melonjong, with the long axis almost exactly north-south direction, and with three similar longitudinal bulge promontory on the north, west, and southwest. This region is located between the lines of longitude 108 ° 21'35 "-108 ° 28'00" East Longitude and latitude lines 6 ° 50'25 "-6 ° 58'26" LS. The topography is mostly undulating (64%) and steep (22%), is mountainous, with peaks at an altitude of 3078 m above sea level. [1] [2]

TNGC region is partly entered the district of Brass (8931.27 ha), and partly in the district of Majalengka (6927.9 ha). In the northern forest area is bordered by Cirebon district, while the limits on the east side is located in the districts Cilimus, Jalaksana, and Kramatmulya. In the south, the boundaries are located in areas Cigugur, Kadugede, Nusaherang, and Darma; in the west are in Majalengka region. [1]
[Edit] Flora and vegetation
Mountain forests in Ceremai

In general, van Steenis (2006) has defined three major climatic zones based on elevation that affect vegetation in Java [3]. Is:

    Tropical zone, between 0-1000 m altitude above sea level. With subzona hills (Colline) between 500-1000 m.
    Mountainous zone (Montana), the height of 1000-2400 m above sea level. With the sub-mountainous subzona (submontana) between 1000-1500 m.
    Subalpin zone, above 2,400 m altitude.

In this Ceremai Mountain region, the forest below 1,000 m was previously managed production forests Perhutani Brass KPH. These forests have been turned into Pine plantations and several other species of timber trees. While the forest at an altitude of 1,000 m to the formerly protected forests, which have been damaged partially disrupted by the eruption, and then by community activities and forest fires. Under the conditions of climate, mountainous forests can be distinguished on wet upland forests in the south (Cigugur and vicinity) and upland forests in the drier north Setianegara region and beyond. [4]

Wet zone forests in the mountains toward the top of Cigugur Ceremai quite rich in tree species. Listed among the types saninten (Castanopsis argentea, C. javanica, C. tungurrut) and pairs (Lithocarpus elegans and L. sundaicus) of interest Fagaceae; jenitri (Elaeocarpus obtusus, E. and E. stipularis petiolatus), interest Elaeocarpaceae; mara (Macaranga denticulata) and kareumbi (Omalanthus populneus), Euphorbiaceae tribe; various jirak (Symplocos fasciculata, S. spicata, S. sessilifolia, S. theaefolia), Symplocaceae; the types of fig (Ficus among padana and F. racemosa) , Moraceae; puspa (Schima wallichii) and ki broom (Eurya acuminata), Theaceae; and others. [5]
Elfin bush (subalpin) near the top of Ceremai

In the drier parts of the Setianegara, forests dominated by other types of civil or Medang (Litsea spp.), Saninten (C. argentea and C. javanica), mara (Macaranga tanarius), mareme (Glochidion sp.), Bingbin (Pinanga javana), and mountain pandanus (Pandanus sp.) [4]. In the upper montane zone was also found to be the dominance of jamuju (Dacrycarpus imbricatus, Podocarpaceae), which form the special vegetation belts

Mount Ceremai an important area for birds (IBA, Important Bird Areas JID 24), as well as endemic bird area (EBA, Endemic Bird Areas DBE 160) [7]. Some of the status of vulnerable species (IUCN: VU, vulnerable), for example, plop Java (Otus angelinae) and Ciung-mungkal Java (Cochoa Azurea). Also recorded at least 18 other species of birds having the status of limited distribution (restricted area bird) as well as the quail-barking Java (Arborophila javanica), Walik head-violet (Ptilinopus porphyreus), takur bututut (Megalaima Corvina), an old-blue berkecet (Cinclidium diana), poksai horse (Garrulax rufifrons), CICA sun (Crocias albonotatus), opior Java (Lophozosterops javanicus), walnut melayu (Serinus estherae), and others.
Cucak mountain is one of the limited distribution of bird species found in Ceremai

Some important types of mammals found in TNGC, among them, a leopard (Panthera pardus), Javan (Presbytis Comata); ebony leaf monkey (Trachypithecus auratus), Java or face geni lemurs (Nycticebus javanicus); muncak deer (Muntiacus muntjak); and coney Java (javanicus Tragulus

     ^ A b c BKSDA West Java II. , 2006. Area Management Plan Ciremai Mountain National Park. Natural Resource Conservation Center in West Java II, Ministry of Forestry. Bandung.
     ^ Hermawan, T.T. et al. , 2005. Land Use and Land Ciremai Mountain National Park, a design model. Latin Reader Publishers. xiv +102 p.
     ^ Steenis, CGGJ van. , 2006. Mountain Flora of Java. Trs. Research Center for Biology LIPI, Bogor. Thing. 22-25
     ^ A b KRB. Of 2001. Mount Forest Exploration reports Ciremai. Bogor Botanical Gardens, LIPI. 17 p. (not published)
     ^ Suwandhi, I. Of 2001. The author studies the Tree Flora Dendrology Forest Mount Ciremai Montana Mountains Zone, West Java. Thesis graduate of Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta. Thing. 33-39 (unpublished).
     ^ Steenis, CGGJ. van. , 2006. op.cit. thing. 48
     ^ Rombang, W.M. and Rudyanto. Of 1999. Important area


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