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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Museum Bank Mandiri

Bank Mandiri Museum is located at Jl. Station No. field. 1, West Jakarta, and is one part of the cultural heritage in the Old City of Jakarta[Edit] History museumStanding dated October 2, 1998. Museum which occupies an area of ​​10 039 m2 building was originally the Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) or Factorji of Batavia, the Dutch-owned trading company that later evolved into corporate banking.Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM) was nationalized in 1960 became one of the office building Farmers & Fishermen's Cooperative Bank (BKTN) Import Export Affairs. Then along with the birth of Export-Import Bank Indonesia (BankExim) on December 31, 1968, the building was turned into the headquarters of the Export Import Bank (Exim Bank), until the legal merger with Bank Exim Bank Dagang Negara (BDN), Bank Bumi Resources (BBD ) and Development Bank Indonesia (Bapindo) into Bank Mandiri (1999), the building became the assets of Bank Mandiri.[Edit] The architecture of the museumBank Mandiri Museum building (ex-Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij (NHM)) was designed by Dutch architect 3 people that JJJ de Bruyn, AP Smits and C. van de Linde. This building was built in 1929 and on January 14, 1933 was officially opened by CJ Karel Van Aalst, the 10th President of the NHM. These ex-NHM building looks solid and stately architecture or Art Deco Zakelijk Niew Classics[Edit] The museum collectionMuseum collection consists of various collections related to banking activities "old days" and its development, starting from the collection of equipment owned by the bank's operations, securities, currencies ancient (numismatic), brandkast, and others.Collection of operational equipment bank "old days" is unique, among others, lockbox, mechanical cash register, calculator, bookkeeping machines, printing machines, pressing equipment bundle, seal press, safe deposit box and a variety of securities such as bilyet deposits, deposits sertikat , checks, bonds, and stocks. In addition, the ornamentation of buildings, interiors and furniture Musuem is still original as when it was founded.


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